Plein Air Landscapes
"Backseat Chronicles; an Upstate Trilogy" (2024)
Plein Airs drawn in the backseat of a car, January in Kingston New York.
"Well Bargained Day Off" (2023).
Lake Willoughby, Vermont.
"REST STOP 17 Miles Southwest of Santa Fe" (2022)
 Port Aransas Beach (2022) Oil Pastel on Linen Panel
"Pedernal Mountain" (2022)
Plein Air of Ghost Ranch in New Mexico.
"Snow Day in Austin" (2021).
"Northern Departures" (2021).
Loveland, Colorado.
"Southern Arrivals" (2021).
Airplane over Farmland.
"LoveLand" (2021)
Marys Lake, Estes Park CO (2018)
black rock hotsprings, the other side of the rio grande (2020)
Austin Greenbelt (2019)
"Group Camping View of a Sunset on the Lake" (2023)
Inks Lake, Texas, in October. Oil Pastel on Linen Panel.
"Land+Sky" (2023)
Watercolor Crayon on Silkscreen. Balcones Canyonlands, Texas.
"Day Dreamer" (2022)
Plein Air of Texas Hillcountry, at Balcones Canyon Lands.
"Oxbow Lagoon in June" (2022)
Plein Air of watercolor crayon on silkscreen, printed as four monotypes. Saugatuck Michigan.
"Sun Bathing on Devils Backbone" (2023).
Inks Lake, Texas.
"The Front Lawn Illuminated by a Street Lamp & The Moon" (2020).
Austin, Texas.
Port Aransas Beach, Texas (2021).
CO cold river (2020)